Lifeline Order (PC566) allows to make lifeline enrollment through POS system. When we click on Lifeline Order (PC566) at POS dashboard, it will show a popup window where we have to enter a ZIP code.
After entering a valid ZIP code where life line service is available, it will be moved in to Lifeline Enrollment: Step2 screen. Fill all required fields and click on the Next button to move into next screen.
After filling Lifeline Enrollment: Step2 screen, it will be moved in to Lifeline Enrollment: Step3 screen. Fill all required fields along with a suitable plan and click on the Next button to move into next screen.
After filling Lifeline Enrollment: Step3 screen, it will be moved in to Lifeline Enrollment: Step4 screen. Check all required conditions and click on the Next button to move into next screen.
After filling Lifeline Enrollment: Step4 screen, it will be moved into Lifeline Enrollment: Step5 screen. Upload all required proofs and click on the Next button to move into next screen.
After filling Lifeline Enrollment: Step5 screen, it will be moved into Lifeline Enrollment: Step6 screen. Checking on the checkbox and click on the Confirm signature and continue button to move into next screen.
After clicking on Confirm signature and continue button, the success message will be appeared which is the confirmation of customer’s lifeline enrollment with customer’s enrollment id.