How to do a carrier change?

Change Carrier (PC530)

Go to Modify→Edit Device Info

MDN associated with Old ESN/SIM will be deactivated when we perform carrier change. In case of lifeline account the MDN update will be done in NLAD/CGM/Solix/Conduent.

New ESN/SIM: New ESN/SIM can be of following types:

  • Provisioned/pre-activated ESN/SIM: The MDN associated with ESN will be attached to customers account and if the customers plan and plan provisioned/pre-activated ESN/SIM is different than system will change the plan to customers plan. New MDN should be from same state or else system will not allow making changes.
  • Non-Provisioned ESN/SIM: System will generate new MDN using customers zip code and customers’ existing plan. Old MDN will be deactivated during carrier change.
  • BYOD ESN : the customer owned phone should be a not provisioned free phone and should be compatible with the service. System will generate new MDN using customers zip code and customers’ existing plan.

Model : Model associated with device ID, if the device id belongs to inventory then device id will be automatically populated by system. In case of customer bring your own device (BYOD) agent will have to choose the model the model drop down list. If the model of the device is not available in drop down list then we can add the new model from Manage Model (PC314) under Inventory (PC382)


Who got it back (Employee Login ID): type atleast 3 character of login id and system will display the list of login ID with same character. The employee login id should be active.


Reason for Change ESN/SIM:

We can select following option from the drop down list.

  • Courtesy Change: ESN/SIM will be assigned to employee ID entered in who got it back employee login ID with ESN/SIM status in inventory as Free.
  • Bad ESN/SIM – ESN/SIM will be assigned to employee ID entered in who got it back employee login ID with ESN/SIM status in inventory as Bad.